Monday 25 April 2011

Lost the camera lead

well I took pictures.... but can't locate the camera lead.
Meanwhile I sorted quite a few old boxes of papers with mum's encouragement and assistance, and have now started making cream cushion covers for the new house.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Easter

The Lord is Risen..... He is Risen indeed!

Church this morning and extended family for the rest of the day.
Hopefully posts over the next few days to share some of my crafty gifts from Christmas, a project I made with dad and a few fabric purchases.

Friday 15 April 2011

Fabric purchased

Despite having no sewing room and not having sewn for 4 months I went to the market in Leeds yesterday lunchtime and bought fabric. Both were viscose (rayon) knits prints in true Ruthie style and were £2.50 per metre.
One is grey/white/black/lime huge print, and I hope will be a tunic to wear with white linen trousers.
The other was a stylised peacock feather print in black/white/teal/lime which will be a striking knit dress I think.

Will add pictures later if I can locate the camera......