Sunday 12 October 2008

Fabric stash pledge

So I am coming clean, I have 7 tea chest sized moving boxes of fabric, plus some home dec plus some in a cupboard. I have no idea how many metres in total. When we move some time next month and I have decorated the sewing studio to be more neutral I'll start to have a proper look at what I have.

There is a thread on the Pattern Review Message Board started in December last year where a lady known as popoagiesmiles has posted this pledge information.

Having just realized how fabric I have and how much money I don't have as a result, I had a realization:

No matter how good a deal is, if you don't truly need it soon, you're just giving away your money and creating more maintenance for yourself, and the money and time won't come back. The fabric vendors will have more sales. Right now, I just don't need any more fabric.


I have decided to go on a fabric fast for a whole year, using only what I have with the following exceptions (since even with food fasts, most people drink water and may supplement with juice or not cut out everything:

1) If I cannot complete a garment without a lining fabric that I absolutely can't cover with my stash, I can look for a deal and do it. But, I can't do it too far in advance, can only do it for one garment at a time, and I must follow through before making any other purchases.

2) If I need a notion for a garment that I'm committed to make SOON, I can get it, but only for one garment at a time, and I can't get any more until that garment is made.

3) If I need a pattern for a garment that I'm committed to make SOON, I can get it on sale, but only for one garment at a time and only for every fifth garment.

4) If I am truly committed to making a garment type that I have no suitable fabric for, such as a swimsuit or a bra, I can do it. But, only for every seventh garment. No buying just because I like the fabric and someday would like to make it.

5) After every tenth garment I sew, I get a ticket to spend $50 on sewing supplies, whether it be fabric, notions, patterns, equipment or whatever. I can save this or spend it. I will probably save it for the really good sales.

6) Basic sewing machine maintence is not included in the fast, but new equipment is. Gifts from others are allowed, of course.

7) I must do something sewing related each week for a minimum of the time I spend on sewing-related sites that week.

I must otherwise make garments from what I have and avoid spending time on sewing sites without actually sewing. I have enough interfacing, fabric, thread, zippers, buttons, patterns, etc. that there is no reason why I can't make several SWAPs with what I have and very few supportive purchases. And, I have enough time to sew if I cut back on time just talking about sewing.

Anyone want to join me? If your stash is smaller than mine or your time much more and you fear you wouldn't have enough fabric to get through a year, you can do it until your stash is gone.

This may simply save me money and time. Or, it might get me sewing. I don't propose a contest but simply an HONEST supportive dialogue

In less than 2 weeks I am away for the Pattern Review weekend in Preston, and have saved up some money to spend on fabric and patterns there. After that though I think I am really going to reign back, and have a fabric diet along the lines outlined for November and December at least.
I am hoping for a new SWAP contest in 2009 and this usually runs from Jan-April. I will see if I CAN do that from stash, but if not I am not against buying a few pieces of fabric.

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