Saturday 30 May 2009

Lack of progress

Well I haven't sewn anything at all since Wednesday now, I think I have hit the burn out point after 6 months of the SWAP and 1 mad week of the Wardrobe In A Week.

I did manage to mow the lawn (after DH strimmed the edges), do the food shopping and move the last few unpacked boxes so DH could put a huge Ikea Billy bookcase up in the spare room. So its not been a wasted day.

I really need to take some more photos of me wearing the 'Wardrobe In A Week' clothes particularly the ones which are going to be the the Mini Wardrobe but somehow I have lost the plot a bit.

Things I could work on, but can't quite get to
- leaf curtains for the study
- remake of a cream/brown print top I have cut apart but nothing further
- remake of some too large grey trousers, also taken apart but nothing more.
- cut out squares for the Sew Hip Mystery Quilt

I fancy making some simple beading earrings, but can't work out where I have put the stuff for that. The best bet may be an early night, and see what I can manage tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like you did ALOT today, Ruthie!! Enjoy this evening and tomorrow's another day, eh!! ;)
    Soft hug,
    Rhonda in Montreal (PR)

  2. Your mojo will return. Sometimes, the creative part of the brain just needs a little R&R!

  3. Do you ever stop? My goodness you are so very productive. i can't believe how much you have sewn since Swap!!!


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