Saturday 4 July 2009

Emptying the room

I have the room about 1/3rd emptied so feel like I am finally making progress.

I am definitely going to have some shelving/mini drawers wall mounted within arms reach when sitting for all those small bits which get used all the time.

I am going to get some shelving in the cupboard which currently has a hanging rail and 2 shelves above and store my current favourite fabric in there, with my out of season/less favourite fabric down in the garage. I had just been storing boxes in the cupboard due to the lack of shelving and it was a waste of the space.

And I think the time has come for a really big purge, though I might need some help with that!. Maybe I can persuade YorkshireLass to come for the weekend and help me be ruthless with the UFO boxes. I have also kept a lot of my clothes from when I was bigger - especially ones I had made - in the hope I could recut them to fit me now. Might need to revisit those in the light of being a Clear and Warm person some of them might be too cool colours for me. I guess there are some very outdated styles as well in the UFO box.

Anyway have paused long enough, back to moving sewing stuff.....

7pm and the room is now emptied. Its taken me about 4 hours of quite heavy work including moving two bookcases and their contents.

P.S. The photos show the emptied room. I don't have a very wide angled len on the camera, hence all the shots!


  1. Wow, that was a lot of work... hope you will be able to sit down tonight for a rest.

    You may find that when you have the room looking nice and start putting things back, the purge just happens naturally. I always end up throwing stuff when I put a room back together (never when I am taking it apart, don't know why that should be).
    If you need a hand though, I will come down for the day and help, no problem. However, be aware I am the queen of "might need that someday" You saw my crates with all the small bits in them :)

    I do think the shelves in the cupboard are a good idea. Things are easier to find and its not as difficult to get to the bottom of the pile on a shelf as it is in a storage container.

  2. Yes I think you are right, once the room is lovely I won't want to put rubbish back in there.

    I might have some '?' boxes I allow to stay in the garage for a year or something and then get rid after that.

  3. Wish I were closer!!
    Signed, "When in doubt... Throw it out!!" Rhonda


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