Monday 28 September 2009

blouse progress

After finishing off some extra work this evening, I did manage an hour of sewing which resulted in the blouse having front bands and a bit of a press of the seams, plus the interfacing applied to the collar and collar stand. I can see it is going to be quite a slow process at this rate.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Stripe blouse sewing

I have had McCall's 5522 cut out for 4 weeks or more now, but finally got sewing it up today.
I managed to sew up the main body in about an hour and a half, and so am going to call it quits for tonight, but thought you might like to see my progress.

If I do half an hour or more each night I should be able to make a good deal of progress by the weekend. I am not travelling with work this week (as far as I know) and currently have no evening work planned either, so I am hoping that I will get sewing time most evenings.

I will share progress each day :D

Saturday 26 September 2009

Shopping not sewing

Its been another busy work week. I must admit I am really enjoying my work at the moment despite long days and seem to have found a niche area where my combination of skills are actually useful which I am very pleased about.

However I am so busy working, and its quite hard work too that of an evening its a quick microwave dinner and the TV and have not managed anything sewing wise.

This morning I went and did some shopping for Autumn/Winter stuff
2 long sleeved casual tees - to wear with jeans - one apple green, one orange
1 long sleeved dressier tee - OK for work - in red with a scoop neck
1 chunky sweater in a lovely orange/rust colour with a loose cowl neck (kind of like a loose poloneck?) which will be fabulous once it gets a bit colder.
and a pair of black leather shoes with a small heel and a strap. very comfortable

The afternoon was spent researching and finally ordering a new cooker which I am very excited about, the oven did not work on the cooker left in the house by the previous owners, so I have only had a grill and hob for the last 10 months.

Next I need to go and do the supermarket shop and then I think I will move all the short sleeved tops and the linen trousers out of the wardrobe to make way for the cooler weather stuff. I have a very full wardrobe but actually only wear a small percentage of the stuff in there and I think mornings will be more organised if I do a cull.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Burda Knot front Top - 1st try

Burda knot front top, 1st try. I am not sure I have constructed the knot currectly as the saeam shows. Its also pulls on one side - which might be the knot or the fact that I have one shoulder higher than the other.
All in all not feeling that happy about it at the mo.
Might go and re-read a few reviews tomorrow as it looks wrong compared to their photo so I think I've sewn it up wrong.

Re-read the instructions and indeed I have done it wrong. Re-sewn it and am wearing it today. Can't be that great because I was off to the supermarket and DH said 'you're not wearing that out are you?' so it must look pretty bad.

Friday 18 September 2009

Autumn Clothing

Suddenly the weather is cooler, and its getting dark earlier. Sandals, short sleeves and bare legs are not practical and the cat is sleeping curled up in a circle. (when its warm the cat sleeps stretched out).
So I probably need to do a seasonal change over of my clothing which is always a good point to decide what is not really 'me' anymore, fits really badly etc.
And I dare say I need to sew those pant liners for my unlined wool pants (though its not quite that cold yet).

I've not really got any great focus on my Autumn sewing except that I am going to stick to things in the sea colours inspiration board to give flexibility and mostly sew from stash.

I have been using my purple bag, in part because the handle came off an old one I'd been using as my main bag which sort of brought the bag thing to a head and also because its got the right vibe for now, as well as being large enough for a huge amount of stuff. I might fish out a few other purple things - scarves, necklaces etc to wear with it.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Been away but wore the sparkle top

I was away with work for 2 days, having meetings in another office where most of the rest of the team I work with are based. We went for an evening out yesterday, and I nipped into the ladies and switched into my sparkle cowl neck top, no real comments, but one colleague was impressed that I had made it myself and admired the cowl drape.

Lovely Thai meal and drinks in various places. Anyway what with working and travelling and sleeping in a strange bed (hotel overnight) I am quite pooped and have done nothing sewing related.

Am off out with two of my best girlfriends on Friday evening, and then going to a school reunion (what was I thinking???) on Saturday so can't see a lot of opportunities to sew really.

Work is all consuming again even using my brain when I am not in the office and likely to stay that way again for another few weeks (or months??) so not entirely sure what the deal will be with the Autumn sewing I have planned. I may have to stick to simple pieces and just carry on wearing my purchased trouser suits to the office.

Monday 14 September 2009

Sunday 13 September 2009

May 2004 Knot front top

Shams asked about this twist top. Its taken from Burda World Of Fashion magazine May 2004 - so not a recent issue, but it does have an interesting neckline which would work well with a suit jacket for the office.
Its #111 if you have the magazine.

It comes only in sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40 (slightly small for me I suspect) and has raglan sleeves.

reviews on Pattern review of this pattern

I have traced and cut out this pattern to try. I've added a bit to the side seams and had to cut about 7cm off the sleeves to get them to fit onto the fabric.
Anyway we'll see what it looks like when sewn up. I used an inexpensive fabric in blue with navy flowers which I quite like but won't be too upset about if it doesn't quite work.

Saturday 12 September 2009

Today's outfit

This morning I wanted to try my WiaW waistcoat with more casual pieces, so added the wide leg jeans and slash neck tee from the SWAP, flats and a necklace. A great Saturday outfit for food shopping, laundry etc.

Inspired by the sea

On holiday we took a sailing boat trip one day which was fabulous.
Whilst we were going from the shallow water of the bay, out into the sea, round and back I was studying the colours in the water depending on the depth of the water and the way the light hit it - emerald green, turquoise, deep blue/green, navy and a very dark inky colour were all there and I was hugely inspired though I have no pictures or drawings of any of it though.

So once I have my current project (stripe blouse) complete, I am interested to explore the colour combinations and see if they can be made to work as a capsule.

Friday 11 September 2009

Back but not a lot to report

Well I am back from a lovely holiday in Menorca, one of the Spanish islands - very relaxing, lovely and sunny.
One thing about seeing my bod in swimwear was a reminder that I really need to shift those last 10-15 pounds and do something to get a bit more toned especailly in the upper arms, thighs and calves (any ideas?). I have a desk job and sedentary hobbies so need to do actual exercise.

I took some Burda mags out with me and did manage to trace off all the bits from August 2009 - number 105 the high waisted trousers and 103 the tie neck blouse. I measured myself and the size 44 was closest, so that's the size I have traced, but we'll have to see how true to size the Burda magazine patterns are. I shall make a test garment first before cutting into any expensive fabric.

Also need to report that I was honoured to be chosen as the winner of the June Capsule Contest on Stitcher's Guild which is fantastic. I have yet to decide how to spend my prize - on sewing goodies of course!

And an advance notice that I agreed (in a moment of madness) to be the contest manager of the October Costumes contest on Pattern Review, as this is one I have no desire to participate in myself.