Thursday 17 September 2009

Been away but wore the sparkle top

I was away with work for 2 days, having meetings in another office where most of the rest of the team I work with are based. We went for an evening out yesterday, and I nipped into the ladies and switched into my sparkle cowl neck top, no real comments, but one colleague was impressed that I had made it myself and admired the cowl drape.

Lovely Thai meal and drinks in various places. Anyway what with working and travelling and sleeping in a strange bed (hotel overnight) I am quite pooped and have done nothing sewing related.

Am off out with two of my best girlfriends on Friday evening, and then going to a school reunion (what was I thinking???) on Saturday so can't see a lot of opportunities to sew really.

Work is all consuming again even using my brain when I am not in the office and likely to stay that way again for another few weeks (or months??) so not entirely sure what the deal will be with the Autumn sewing I have planned. I may have to stick to simple pieces and just carry on wearing my purchased trouser suits to the office.

1 comment:

  1. ruthie

    be sure to enjoy this time of your life. I love being retired, but I also remember the feeling of being vital, important to some operation. yes, there is a trace of wistfullness there, but whenever I think about getting a new job, rejoining the workforce, I get sick. I think that tell you my true state of mind.


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