Monday 14 December 2009

No sewing tonight

Tonight I baked 2 chocolate beer cakes and a dozen mini ones. The mini ones are for hubby, and the full size ones are for colleagues in two of the offices my company has - where I want to say thank you.
That took all evening though, and now I am off to bed. Tomorrow I am away for 2 days so it will be a few days before I have anything more to report sewing wise.

I did some Christmas shopping today, having left it all a bit late, and also had lunch and the afternoon with my friend and her kiddiwinks which was fab.

I still have a gold blouse and a black cord skirt with embroidery/sequins planned for the Christmas Collection and hopefully I will get to them before the actual day! We are having Christmas Day quietly just me and hubby, but my parents are coming over on Boxing Day which will be nice, so I can make a bit of effort for those days.

The Chocolate Beer Cake is from Delia Smith's 'Book Of Cakes' which I have, but is also online at

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate beer cakes sound interesting - care to share the recipe?? Sounds like a great 'his & hers' gift too Lol!


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