Friday 25 June 2010


Been away with work for a couple of days so no sewing.
I did however wear a couple of self sewn outfits.
We went out for a big team night out (drinks, food and clubbing) and I wore the Union Jack jeans and the Kimono style top from the Christmas collection.
Fortunately there are no pictures of me on the dance floor with a lot of 19 year olds well after my usual bedtime.

Today I wore the pink lace top (with lined body but sheer sleeves) with pinstripe navy trousers and a purchased red jacket, earrings and necklace.
I never used to wear red and pink together but these days I like to use the fairly close colours together.
Ie pink with red, teal with lime, orange with red etc, I am not quite sure why but its a great shot of colour which is very uplifting.

In more sensible news my Knip Mode magazines arrived from the nice people at
I've only managed a quick flip through but so far I like September 2009 the best. It has a particularly nice jacket that is very me. Well OK several.

Anyway due to the partying, dancing, working and terrible drive back this afternoon I am frankly very tired and an early night is required, so am not even going to go in the sewing room tonight in case injure myself or any equipment.
Night night

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