Sunday 18 July 2010

Sewing Direction?

I keep planning to join this contest or that sew along. I get as far as pulling out a bunch of matching fabrics. Thinking about what I am going to do etc etc. I write posts oin the relevant boards, sketch away in my notebook .....
And then I sew a knit top in a different colour way. And don't follow through on the plans.
I also keep buying fabric, rather than sewing it up.

I'm not quite sure why that is. Perhaps its a reaction to my work at the moment which is pretty driven and this last week has been quite pressured. Don't misunderstand, I enjoy my work, but sometimes it seems to take a lot of my energy and I have none left over for anything else much.
I've also had a few weekends away, which is always nice but cuts into the flow, especially if you are away with work in the week for a few days as well.

I need to pack my bag to go away again, but once I am back it would be nice to finish the hems on the navy tops, and then the questionm comes - what next?

I'm not going to bust a gut trying to do the PR wardrobe contest. I've been all over the place colour scheme wise and don't have an obvious base for a collection. I quite fancy the One pattern many looks contest and have a lot of ideas of ways to use a TNT pattern. As ever though that begs the question of whether I would sew those items if the contest was not running, or if I'd just be sewing things to fit with the contest.

Elizabeth (ejvc) is doing an Autumn Collection on Stitcher's Guild. That has no prizes, and flexible rules and I have some fabrics which could work.

However all of those things are me being driven by someone else's ideas and time frames (though some gentler than others). Perhaps I should walk (sew) to the beat of my own drum for once.
I'm a good implementer, at work its one of my strengths, getting stuff done. But perhaps its time to dream a little about vision for myself.

I'm not a loner. At work I love being part of a team, even if that's something which varies from project to project. And that personality trait transfers through to participating on boards, in chats and in sew-alongs and contests. Sewing isn't very sociable but the boards (especially my beloved Stitchers Guild) make it so.

So do I want to do my own thing, or be part of the community? Well a bit of both I think is the real answer.

How that translates into the next sewing project, or a series of connected projects I am not quite sure.

Sew along/contest OR doing my own thing?
Something to wear now OR planning ahead?
For me OR for someone else?
Red OR turquoise OR navy OR ?
Work OR WFH OR casual?

OR tidy up the sewing room and do something else different just for a little while......

(The answer of course may lie in just being home a bit more, and working a bit less)

1 comment:

  1. Ruthie, you have sewn several lovely collections, so you've proven your ability to sew with a plan. I look forward to see what you sew without a plan :)


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