Monday 16 May 2011

Moving on

I'm moving on, my divorce is final, I've legally changed back to my maiden name and on Friday I move into my own little rental. This has hampered the sewing though so sorry about that from a blogging perspective, but once I've unpacked and hosted a few housewarming events hopefully I shall back to sewing once again. Pennies will be tight though, so it'll be an exploration in using a lot of my existing resources (which are frankly quite plentiful!).

Here's my new home.
The garage is for the boxes of fabric and will probably never host the car.

I've actually had a fantastic time living with my parents this last 4 months. We've got on well and all enjoyed rebuilding the relationships and supporting each other. I am very blessed!

I see the blog roll is at 91, so here's a promise :-) if it gets to 100, I'll have a blog giveaway as a little thank you for the enouraging comments. Likely to be patterns and something homemade!


  1. Wishing you lots of happiness in your lovely new home . Divorce is a very stressfull time ( I've been there ) and I hope you are not to emotionally drained . Welcome to a new chapter in your life :-)) x

  2. Your new home looks very welcoming Ruthie, I hope you enjoy settling in.

  3. Lovely house and I hope you will be very happy there.

  4. What a DARLING home, Ruthie!! Happy Beginnings ;)
    Warm hug, Rhonda

  5. sorry about what has happened. Your new home looks so sweet. Hopefully lots of sewing to heal thy heart.

  6. What a cute little home, Ruthie! I hope it is your refuge and your creative space. :)

  7. Hi Ruthie,
    Welcome home!
    Wishing you happiness.

  8. Glad you are back and moving ahead.

  9. Congrats, Ruthie! Can't wait to see your first new-home sewing project!

  10. I wish you all the best in your new digs, Ruthie.

    And now for a bit of randomness: my verification word for this post is "worst". This seemed an ill omen and I thought about clicking again to get a new word, but then I wondered whether "worst" had some more appropriate textile meaning--what happens to wool to make it worsted, perhaps? So I looked it up and learned that "worsted" is not the past tense of a verb at all, but derives from the name of a parish in Norfolk: "1250–1300; Middle English worsted ( e ), special use of Worstede Worstead ( Old English Wurthestede ), name of parish in Norfolk, England, where the cloth was made." So now we know.

  11. Good luck in your new home :)

  12. It must be a relief to have some closure on that time of your life and a new home in which to explore new directions - all the best for happier times ahead.

  13. Ruthie, enjoy your new home, and wishing you lots of happiness in your new life. Can't wait to see what you produce from your new sewing room.

  14. Glad to hear you're on top of things. Your new home looks lovely. When you live alone it's easy to live cheaply and you'll have fun making your life the way you want it to be. We'll all be here to offer support along the way.

  15. All the best Ruthie. Your new home looks lovely. Hope it's as comfortable as it appears.

  16. Cute, cute house! Good luck getting life organized again.

  17. A new home, a new start...wishing you well in your darling cottage. I pray you find solace and security. xoxo

  18. That house is sooo cute! I hope you enjoy living there.

  19. This is a new beginning for you. Wishing you all good things.

  20. Love the house and blue garage door! Good wishes and many happy days for your new endeavors.

  21. Your house looks so pretty. I wish you much happiness there. I am really looking forward to seeing some more Ruthie sewing.

  22. You new house is so cute and has its own garage!!! You are going to love being on your own.

  23. The house is adorable. I am glad you are able to start moving on. It will be nice to have you back with us.

  24. You have a sweet new home. Wishing you all the best as you go forward and looking forward to seeing your creations again!

  25. Ruthie, I wish you every happiness in the future. That looks like a lovely happy house for you to be moving into, and no unhappy memories for you there! God bless. Julia

  26. So sorry about the hiccups in life, but what a fantastic house! :-) Love that garage door. I'm wishing you the very best in your new adventures.


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