Wednesday 11 January 2012

Clothing of the right size, wardrobe cull etc

I found this old post on Corporette very interesting, especially the comments.
Buying a Bigger Size
especially as I have 2 nice pant suits which don't currently fit but would be useful for work.

I would be interested in how people have tackled wardrobe culling, building a basic work wardrobe etc.

The area where I work is likely to undergo quite a lot of change causing my role to change, or perhaps me moving to a new role, so giving off the right vibe with well fitting and appropriate clothing is going to be a bit more important in the next few months than it has been. I've gained some weight since I've been living alone and adjusting to my new single life so this has been of particular relevance to me.


  1. Buy 2 new pants suits that fit now, and give yourself permission to NOT sew everything you need. With 2 RTW jackets, you can quickly make up a couple of skirts to coordinate, which will stretch your 2 new suits further.

    Only you can know when you're ready to cull but don't forbid yourself from buying new clothes when you need them.

  2. I still find it difficult to cull my wardrobe, especially when it is due to weight changes rather than just worn out.

    I have occasionally gone through my wardrobe and given anything that I know I just will not wear again to charity, and things that I probably will wear, subject to weight loss, I pop in one of those bags that you can shrink with the vacuum cleaner - just in case.

    I guess the one advantage we have is the ability to sew and use our stash to make things up.

    Good luck with your job and the future changes

  3. The advice on Corporette is good--only you can figure out how permanent this weight gain is. Having gone through a divorce myself, I will suggest that perhaps the weight loss was the anomaly, not the current weight gain especially if this gain puts you close to where your weight normally hovers anyway.

    Regarding clothing options, I mostly agree with Debbie Cook. Instead of suits, though, I'd get separates that will work with each other. You will get more mileage with your pants and jackets that way. I'd also include a skirt.

    Have you seen the Vivianne Files ( She pulls together outfits based on eight pieces. If you haven't read her blog before, it might help give you ideas both for sewing and for purchasing.

  4. Oh Ruthie I do feel for you as I have a similar problem (alas). 13 months ago I had 10 lb to lose and didn’t look too bad at all: now I have that 10 lb plus 22 extra.
    On Saturday I bought 4 new pairs of pants in the sale. They are tight and about 3lbs away from wearable but only cost me 35 pounds (Lands End and Gap). I can fit into 3 smart (and washable!) pairs of existing pants plus lesser presentable ones for home/ supermarket level wear. The size I bought on Saturday is what I need when slimmer and I wear thicker long johns underneath like I did much of the time last winter. I SHALL lose the weight I need to for both health and vanity reasons so my bargain purchases should not be wasted.

    So advice from a weight-loss near failure (I’ve lost and gained this 20lb TWICE since 2008 but kept off the other 50lb I lost in 2007): assess the balance of the wardrobe that fits and determine if you could attend the maximum number of “smart attire” meetings in one week with different outfits. If not (or if travelling interferes with washing) add a few cheap essentials in the sales. Assess where your weight is in 6 to 8 weeks and then think of additional purchases if needed.

    In terms of how to dress for work I saw excellent advice recommending that you always dress as if you were already working on the next rung of the career progression ladder so that your superiors will know that you’ll fit right in!

    Do you really need to dispose of the clothes that don’t fit now? As you are living alone surely you can allow yourself the opportunity to wait to see if they fit in the future? An extra rail in the spare room might give a little extra room for low cost and could be used in your sewing room at a later date.

    I’m not usually one to comment on blogs but after reading along for several years I really want you to succeed both career –wise and in your personal happiness.

    Best wishes from Juliet

  5. Ladies, a HUGE thank you for the responses, its very much appreciated. Although 2 suits are too tight others are wearable so I probably don't have to buy anything new to get dressed relatively smartly.

  6. I would store the pieces you want to keep for 1 season and then give them away if they don't fit and can't be altered. Be kind to yourself while you are in this new phase of your life and enjoy yourself. I also find it hard to cull clothes that I've made because of the work and memories in each piece.

  7. One of the biggest benefits to learning to sew your own clothes is the fact that it helps you become more self reliant. Rather than having to rely on the store, you can make your own coverings. If a catastrophe were to strike, and you were unable to get to a store, being able to make your own clothing would be a benefit. Even without electricity, you can still use many sewing machines. Most of them today have some sort of manual options that does not require electricity.


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