Wednesday 1 February 2012

Picture Links Requests

In response to Ginger's request for the little wardrobe pics on the left to link to something, I have found some of the original larger pictures and made them link from the thumbnail. If they are linked I have edited the description to say so. Some of them I can't find the original matching picture in a blog post at the moment, but if I come across them I shall add. I've now added the year as well, so if you really want more info on the patterns used etc, you can go to the Blog Archive (at the very bottom left) and find the year and month and the posts should be there.

I realised I'd not added thumbnails for the most recent wardrobe collections so I had a little trawl through and added all the newer collections, including some I had forgotten (Newspaper Collection anyone!)

The very oldest ones were my early attempts at collections and my style and ability to create collections has evolved quite a bit since then.
So unless anyone speaks up for 2006-2007 collections they are history. I was plus size then so all the clothes are gone now, and I wasn't blogging then, so details of patterns etc are probably lost in the mists of time.

Hope this proves useful.

Interestingly in a normalish year I seem to do
SWAP (which is a double collection really) and is Spring clothes
which you can then wear in the UK Summer
then an Autumn Collection
then a Christmas Collection
and then start all over again with the next SWAP


  1. Thank you so much for adding more collection picks. I love all of your collections and the way you coordinate all of your outfits!! You are very inspiring.

  2. Ruthie, you have no idea how many times I have clicked on those collections and wanted to see a bigger pic. Thanks so much for doing that. I love your style! : )

  3. Thank you!!! I wish you worked customer service everywhere I shop because you are SO responsive! :)

  4. Your SWAP photos are incredibly inspirational for me. One of these days I am going to do a SWAP and your pictures are going to be sort of a "how to". Thanks for enabling his to enlarge the photos, love it.


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