Friday 1 June 2012

real SWAP

So this is the post where I come clean about my SWAP.......
You may remember not long ago I completed the SWAP, declared it was fabulous and you should all vote for me. As a collection I am reasonably happy with it but it does need some tweaking.

I really liked the print knit - unfortunately having worn the pieces a few times the viscose knit has gone a bit shapeless. The knit dress needs a cami underneath, maybe I need to see if there are any scraps left and add a faux cami. The knit tee has gone a little short and wide, a shame becuase its a lot of fun.

The black knit dress is probably going to be a real workhorse. Its kept its shape, and once I shortened the sleeves to 3/4 length worked under more of my RTW jackets.

The black ponte skirt has been worn a few times but is quite dramatic. It'll stay in the closet for now. The red ponte skirt is not good at all. I'll probably salvage the elastic and put the fabric in the scraps pile. I made a too large dress from the same fabric so maybe they can be redeemed together into something new.

The cardigans are both a little wide across the shoulders, though its worse in the black version I think its because the stretch in the fabric. The sleeves could do with being reset on a slightly narrower shoulder to hang nicely. Wearing the black and white striped top and cardi together is a little frumpy, though I quite like them individually.

The black ponte trousers are probably going to be relegated to gym wear, as they just look too casual to me. The black jeans with the wonderful curved seams irritate on the inside where I fray checked the back of the loopy top stitching, and are a bit too loose at the back waist.

The red blouse is also too wide on the shoulders, but this could again be fixed by narrowing the shoulders and reinsertng the sleeves.

Since the SWAP finished I've been wearing mostly RTW - old tailored stuff for work and new hiking gear for casual.

Other SWAP/Collections sewers.... do you find you wear and love all of your pieces?


  1. What a pity that the SWAP didn't work well for you this time as it does usually.
    I have a couple of things that don't work all that well this time; a skirt that is a bit narrow to walk fast in, a pair of trousers that are somehow less comfortable than they should be though its difficult to tell exactly what is wrong. I've worn all the items except the stone colour jeans. The latter haven't been worn because the weather hasn't been suitable on the days when I could wear them. One skirt is a bit tight to walk fast in, and the trousers aren't quite as comfy as some others I own, but not bad enough to stop me wearing them. I think the fabric of one skirt and one pair of trousers (same fabric) has shrunk which is annoying, so they may become useless in short order, however, few items were totally useless this year. Unlike previous year's when I've had items in just because the rules required it, knowing I wouldn't ever wear them more than twice. Last time I had a top I never wore at all.

  2. Even though some of your pieces aren't wearing as well as you might like (and hey, doesn't that happen to ALL of us???) I still think you should be crowned the SWAP queen!

  3. what a shame, especially after all that hard work, but hopefully some of the joy was in the making too, at least you have the ability to make some more

  4. I am pretty careful with my sewing to be sure before I use it that the pattern will fit and the fabric will be suitable.
    That said, I ALWAYS have at least a few things that don't work out due to either weird fabric choices, and/or operator error.
    This SWAP, even though I didn't finish gave me two pair of pants that work, one fabulous, one okay, two tops that work great, and a jacket that works, plus some gym clothes.
    Several pieces I made can be worn at home or walking, but not in public. I have learned, particularly buying fabric on line that knits are frequently hit or miss!
    You did make a great looking SWAP, sorry it all didn't turn out to be fantastic!

  5. I'm sorry to read that your SWAP didn't end up as you wanted, however you tried some new patterns and styles and that is win for you.

    This is my first full SWAP and I have worn all my garments a number of times (except the shorts too cold at the moment). It is the shorts that need more work, they are wearable but I don't like the excess fabric at the back.

  6. Sorry to hear your disappointment with your SWAP garments. It sounds like poor quality fabric is to blame for some of the problems. Knits shouldn't stretch out of shape the way yours did. Too bad. At least you're able to see why you don't like to wear some of these garments, and can fix the problems if you make them again.

  7. Hey. You'll have a better post swap experience next year.

  8. Too bad that many of the pieces have "issues". I found your SWAP one of the most cohesive ones, with those similar design elements coming back in several garments, and a clear colour scheme.

  9. But what a happy, vibrant woman is smiling back at us from the photo collage! You look terrific, Ruthie! And it is OK to take your blog in a new direction. How fun.

  10. I'm belated with my comment, but echo Cherie -- you look happy and at home with these pieces!

    Perhaps re-making certain pieces with tweaks or different and/or better fabric is in the cards?

  11. I love your SWAPs they are so coordinated and inspiring. The red belt is stunning! I really enjoy making tops and skirts instead of dresses and mixing and matching. Less commitment than a dress, LOL. Cheers, Jean


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