Saturday 19 January 2013

Sewing Room After

Its all put away on the shelves or in boxes now, so a quick whizz round with the hoover and it should be fine.

I'm quite happy with 98% of the fabric lengths and plan to keep nearly all of them.

The remnants, leftover bits and small scraps however are quite a significant volume, as are the projects which need alteration/recutting/harvesting. So those need more thoughtful sorting.

I also have kept every single sewing pattern I have ever bought, plus quite a few people have given me, and have many of the earlier ones filed in a complex envelope in box, plastic sheet in folder arrangement. I reckon these must be into their hundreds.

If I wanted to sell patterns what would be the best avenue do you think? I am in the UK.


  1. Ruth!!! You very muchly need to get stash busting! hahahaha, crazy!! i am, however, desperately jealous!!

    bundana x

  2. MAGIC!!! I only just read your post and the fabric was scattered all over the room, and now...all neatly organised and sorted! Someone has been very busy...J

  3. Was a mammoth task and toy made it.. Great organisation...

  4. Oh Ruthie what I'd give to jump into your fabric stash... I'm soooooo envious... oh yeh and by the way you've done a great job of sorting all your fabric out as you can now easily see what's on hand. Mmmm I wonder how long it will stay like that... if you're anything like me maybe not as long as you'd like LOL

  5. Looks great! And so much nice fabric.

  6. And I thought my stash was out of control ;)
    As to patterns, I'm going to cull my stash by offering them to sewing friends.If no takers, I'll just throw away/recycle - life's too short!

  7. Your sewing room looks so pretty and organised now . I am sure you will gets lots inspiration and want to sew even more now . PS I am envious of your stash - there looks like alot of lovely stuff there.

  8. Oooh - your stash looks lovely! May I come and *cough* look after it for you *cough*?

    I have around 600 patterns and will be selling a lot of them in the near future and I plan to sell them in my Etsy shop - I buy a lot of patterns through Etsy, so that seems a good place to sell them. I have tried selling on Ebay, but have not been very successful.

    Good Luck - and let us know how you sell them . . . as I may have to purchase some . . . . !

  9. Great job of organising your sewing room! And quite a stash you have there. Here's to a year of stash busting for you (if that's what you want to accomplish)!

  10. Gosh, that looks to have been hard work. You certainly have a very well organised stash now, and clearly have become re-acquainted with the items stored at the back and underneath where they can't be easily seen. I shall be joining you on the stash busting trail, and am intending to sew up a significant amount of mine before I can purchase more. Though your stash is very impressive and I think a touch more extensive than mine. :)
    I'm not sure where the best place to sell your patterns would be, though perhaps you could put just a few on Pattern Review and see if you get any takers?

  11. Amazing!!! You did a lot of organizing!

  12. Now can you organise my sewing room. I'm too scared to face the reality of patterns and fabric.
    You've done such a great job on your room.
    I've bought fabric and patterns on ebay and etsy but not sold anything sewing-wise. I've normally given it to other sewers or charities.


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