Saturday 2 February 2013


Well as you can see, no Frugal Fabric Friday post. Mostly this because I have started researching online and visiting in person potential houses as the old house now has a sale in progress. This is incredibly time cosuming, though I do seem to be making some progress.

In parallel I am still working to upgrade my work look, which probably requires a thorough clear out of the wardrobe, with pieces to my favourite local charity shop or ebay and incorporating my more recent purchases into actual outfits, rather than just random pieces of clothing hung in the wardrobe.
I noticed for instance that a lot of things I own are striped, printed or textured, which makes pulling together outfits from the disparate looks somewhat difficult, and explains why the plain black trousers seem to get worn a lot.

I'm trying to incorporate advice from two books - 'Unstuff your life' and 'Nothing to Wear'.

I can see a gap for the navy jackets I had planned, but don't have the time or brain concentration to sew them at the moment, so will try and manage as best I can with what I have already. I think some things were in the 'repair' box, so maybe those can come back into rotation if I manage the repairs soon.


  1. I did a quick little audit of my clothes just the other week, and my 'hole' also is with plain clothing. Pattern, print, striped fabric always grabs my attention, but I need to make a greater effort in the plain department this year. It is the plains that will blend in and work the wardrobe...J

  2. I'm the same... I need to add some plain clothing to go with the prints. I also need some tops as I've made a few skirts... added another two this week. I think I'll have to start looking for some top patterns. I actually just posted the last two skirts I made today on my blog if you get a chance to have peak... and yes of course both of them are in print fabrics LOL

  3. Rejuvenating the wardrobe is always a useful thing. It sounds like you've put a bit of time into analyzing it and figuring out what you need and want.
    I hope your house hunt goes well! A stressful but exciting activity.

  4. Congrats on the house sale - ours is on the market on Monday! We chose to go back to front as we are having a house built, so that part is sorted. Just need a sale now! Just amke sure to choose a new house with a HUGE sewing studio!

  5. Hmm, I can see that adding some plain bottoms and jackets would be helpful but you may not need all that many of them in order to draw the rest of the items into a cohesive whole. Perhaps work out which would result in the greatest number of outfits, a plain jacket or plain bottoms. I'm guessing the jacket in your case. Then prioritise that when you do get chance to sew.
    Of course there is also the small matter of whether or not you have suitable plain fabric in stash I suppose.


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