Thursday 19 December 2013

More silk dying

No pictures as yet, but I tried some overdying of all but the first scarf.

Long violently pink/blue/purple narrow scarf overdyed with a red orange dye bath.
- this is now mostly orange/red and black, so still strong just redder. Would be quite a statement with a black suit and amber earrings. This one is for me to wear.

Long pink scarf with burgundy bits, overdyed with the remnants of the red orange dye bath.
- this had a weaker version of the dye bath and was a closer colour before. This is now a warmer pink and I'm really pleased with it.This is also for me.

Turquoise blue scarf had extra green and turquoise added.
- now has more colour variation, though perhaps has lost some of the delicate tracery. It seems to still have some of the soft underlying abstract flowers and definitely more life and energy. One end is greener and one end is bluer, not sure if this is fun or a problem. This is planned as a gift for a teal loving lady so I am slightly worried it is too green in parts now. I'm now wondering about added more blue to the too green parts! Maybe a bridge too far?

Pale blue had purple and pink added.
- this was really bland, but with watered down pink and purple added to a scrunched up scarf now has adstract flower shapes all over which I think is great. This one has definitely improved, but will need hand hemming (sigh). This is planned as a gift for an elderly lady, and once hemmed I hope she will like it.

I will try to iron and photograph them tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like these have worked out well and I am looking forward to seeing them if you get chance to upload them.


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