Friday 23 January 2015

How much is enough? : duvets and bedding

The new king size bed for the main bedroom comes on Saturday. It will be so nice to have a really good quality bed to sleep in. I am very excited. Hopefully it will encourage me to sort through all the accumulated bedding in different sizes and decide what I need for the king size, double (in guest room), sofa bed in living room and folding bed which can go wherever. 
How much bedding do you think you need for guest beds - is one set enough or maybe two? I can't see a need for any more than that. I have a washer/dryer so can launder even in wet weather.


  1. Ruthie, what a good question!! I can't see a reason for more than one set per guest bed, with you having laundry right there.

    Worst comes to worst, you can always use another larger set on a bed in an emergency.

  2. I only kep one set of guest bedding as I don' t have guests frequently enough to warrant two sets and like you I can launder quick enough that even if I had guests on consecutive weekends ai could still provide clean laundry. Also only havingone set means you can decorate the room to work perfectly with that set and know it will always look just right.

  3. I have two sets of sheets for my guest room. The bed is always made up and ready for company. When they leave, I strip the bed, hit it with Febreeze and remake it. I simply prefer to do this before I talk into the wee hours with company, so I don't wrestle with sheets at 2am.


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