Sunday 1 January 2017

New Year Thoughts

Happy New Year.

I know some sewists like to go back over all the things they have made this past year but I think I'd rather mostly look forwards, so here's just a few thoughts.
From memory I did SWAP again, a red collection and started a green collection, made lots of charity craft things and a few items for other people. I managed to post on the blog every day in November. A few projects went wrong as they do.

DBF and I had an amazing holiday in San Diego and Mexico at Easter where I actually got to touch a whale in the wild - an amazing trip.

Work was relatively demanding and will continue to be so, however it is interesting and helps me in my financial goals.

I lost some weight in 2016 and am continuing the healthy eating journey in 2017. I haven't really got started with the exercise yet and need to do that as a desk job and a sedentary hobby like sewing are not a good combination health wise.

I want to have another round of decluttering/sorting/tidying with the main areas being
- sewing room  - fabric, patterns and other craft resources
- dealing with paperwork
- another go through the wardrobe and books
(I have a donation bag started and want to add more to it)
- use up toiletries/throw away out of date medication and food
(medication goes to the pharmacy for safe disposal)

 Maybe I'll have a different challenge for myself each month so it doesn't get overwhelming.

My Sewing Goals are
to sew trousers which fit reasonably well (ie as well as my favourite rtw),
complete the SWAP (including 4 pairs of the aforementioned trousers) and hopefully two woven shirts
make at least one thing for someone else (unselfish sewing)
sew and craft lots of items for my charity craft stall
make a few home dec things
but mostly to enjoy sewing

My overall goal is that I want to have balance in my life - spend time with DBF, friends and family, work hard at my job, look after my health and enjoy my home, hobbies and holidays and also give something back.


  1. Nice goals for 2017. Speaks for who you are as a person.

  2. The goals look great. I too need a healthier life style as sewing, knitting and work all involve too much sitting! I cleared out my stash yesterday and hope to keep fabric buying more controlled in 2017. As Tony on the market will be away until the end of March (and I buy most of my fabric from him) I should do well getting the stash down.

  3. What a great "forward" look at the New Year! It does all sound so balanced, making a healthy you! Happy New Year!

  4. A great list of goals here. I also recently brainstormed some of my goals for the new year, for my wardrobe. I wish you the best of luck with your goals for 2017!

  5. I managed a walk at lunchtime today, and at the end of the month I'm moving from the ground floor at work to the 3rd floor so will have 3 flights of stairs to use every day (In the UK the ground floor counts as 0 not 1)


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