Thursday 23 February 2017

Lenten Challenge

I'm thinking this year of doing a challenge for myself during the period of Lent (from 1st March) inspired by this
and also the approach Alison from Acorn Cottage Artisanry has been using for a long time of

So between 1st March and Easter I will commit to
donating 40 items (things to charity which others could use)
discarding 40 items (things to recycling which are filling my space)
fixing/finishing or repairing 40 items (some of these may be getting a professional to repair the item).
creating 40 items (for the charity craft stall or for others, not for myself).
I will also include anything I do this week to spur myself on (and not put anything off until next week).

I will share progress here on the blog.


  1. Oh dear I lost my comment - serves me right for trying to do it on my phone! Briefer comment now. Good luck with your ambitious plans!
    We need a mega clear out prior to downsizing - ‘things’ and paperwork - in brief, we will commit to doing a bit each day.

  2. I love this Ruthie. What a beautiful way to reflect on your blessings and be a blessing to others.

  3. Good on you! I gather a big bag for charity shops every month. At the beginning of the month, I put a big empty bag near the house door. I fill it up gradually over the course of the month with gently used clothes, houseware, books, toys, etc. By the end of the month the bag is usually quite full and I donate it. The hardest for me to part with are things that I have made: clothes and accessories, arts and crafts, or things that my children made.


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