Tuesday 2 May 2017

Charity Craft Stall event

Here I am on the stall. The dummy with the scarf worked well, but I needed better ways to display the bags and jewellery.

Here are some other things I made for the stall

I'm going to have a break from the craft sewing for a bt now and sew something for me instead.
I would like to intersperse garment sewing with the craft projects, maybe sewing things that use similar colours in between each garment project and gradually build up inventory that way rather than 3 months of sewing for the stall.


  1. I so enjoyed see the pic of you in your stall. I think your sales volume must have been a result of the economy as the pieces your shared all look wonderful enough for me to take home.

  2. I'm going to run the stall again in the office one day next week, with the help of a colleague. Hopefully that will result in some more sales.


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