Wednesday 26 December 2018

2018 summary and 2019 thoughts

2018 Focus
During 2018 I have concentrated on Stash Shrinker and the Stitchers Guild SWAP 2018.

Some Statistics
I managed to sew up 128 metres of fabric and only buy 64 metres (including blankets/throws which I counted as yardage) so have managed the 2:1 ratio.

I also gave away fabric for charity and via a local contact, though I didn't measure it, there were 4 laundry bags of fabric (of the style below) and a large box of patterns.

I made one pair of shorts for DBF, and some bags for folding chairs for a friend. I made lace curtains for all the upstairs windows in my home and some cushions for a wicker chair.

Everything else was clothing for me! Clothing wise I made 60 garments (and a scarf).

1 blouse and 25 knit tops
4 skirts and 12 pairs of trousers/pants
16 cardigans/jackets
1 coat (and a test coat)

January was by far the most productive month, with the rate gradually dropping as the year went on, but spurred by the SG SWAP in the earlier months and TSP SWAKOP/ SG Autumn 6PAC in the autumn.

In the summer I wore the teal linen trousers and leaf print top a lot.

And the scoop neck tops from the Burgundy Autumn Collection have proved very handy and get worn repeatedly.

My biggest sewing achievements in 2018 were:-

1.  to place first in SWAP 2018 on Stitchers Guild in May 2018.
(I chose to have pdfs of StyleArc Patterns as my prize so will probably see me experimenting with them a bit more this year).

2.  to sew more than 100 metres of fabric during the year (which happened in late August 2018). The rate dropped off a bit so the annual total was 128 metres sewn.

3.  to finally complete (in December 2018) the teal wool coat I have been planning in earnest since December 2017.

Plans for 2019

1.  to join in with SWAP 2019 on Stitchers Guild (though some of the rule phrasing has baffled me slightly).

2.  to participate in some of the contests at The Sewing Place, (where they appeal and the time frame works for me.)

3. to continue to sew at least twice as much fabric as I buy with a new Stash Shrinker Spreadsheet for 2019.

4. to continue to declutter my house, with a particular emphasis this year on the loft area.

And that's probably it. I'm not going to join the RTW fast, any of the PR contests or anything which requires an Instagram account. I may do some of the MAGAM challenges as well.

Note on charity sewing

In the past I have sewn lots of small items for a charity stall. I was not able to attend the May Day event this year due to a wedding. Then taking a step back let me evaluate the return on the effort expended. So I've done very little sewing for charity this year, instead giving fabric away for donations and to local good causes and increasing my payroll giving. I'll see how this area goes in the future.

What are your sewing plans for 2019?


  1. You are such an amazing sewist Ruthie. Merry Christmas!

  2. Amazing use of your stash, congratulations. And 25 tops sewn, you could do laundry one a month at this rate.

  3. Amazing productivity as always! I aspire to do half as much as you, and I'll feel like I've passed the test.
    Hope all your plans for 2019 turn out fantastic!
    Happy Near Year!

  4. You were so productive this year! You sewed so many great items. I loved your sewing collections. Decluttering my house is an every month goal. You're such an inspiration and I look forward to your 2019 blog post! Happy New Year!

  5. Ruthie, Congrats on winning the 2018 SWAP over at Stitchers Guild. I don't hang out over there any more so I totally missed it. Your win is long overdue. You do such a great job of planning and executing your SWAPs.

    2018 was a very productive year for you. Looks like 2019 will be as well. Happy Sewing!

  6. You have been so incredibly productive! Sensible plans for 2019. The RTW Fast isn't on officially this year, btw. So may tops!!! and trousers!! If I manage a quarter of what you've achieved that will be a biggy for me!


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