Wednesday 2 January 2019

Sew your 'Kibbe' 2019

The very interesting blog Doctor T designs has been covering sewing pattern suggestions for different body types (based on the Kibbe types).

I've concluded that although I don't fit perfectly, the most appropriate category for me in this system is the basic 'Natural' category.

So this year I'm going to try and sew following those guidelines in particular using a pattern from each category of Doctor T's suggestions, as well as some of my TNTs which also seem to follow Natural lines.

I have a large back catalgue of Burda Style magazines so this will be a great opportunity to delve back and find some of them.

New Look 6416: Relaxed cardigan style coat.

I already have this pattern so seems a great opportunity to use it.

BWOF 06/2015 #128
 (without the hem detail and more mid thigh than coat length)

Again I already have this one, so will dig it out and sew it up.
Simplicity 8175: View B looks like a great option, but View A could also work, since it isn’t completely pencil slim.

I think I will try BWOF 12/2011 #133
BWOF 02/2008 #128: Basic tee.
And Simplicity 1280 blouse.
Or McCall's 7357 (actually I like this one better)

Cardigan jacket from BWOF 01/2011 #126A

I don't wear dresses much, but struggled last summer for a wedding so probably sensible to have one nicer dress available.
Having looked through the options I am leaning towards BWOF 06/2017 #125
So looks like one Newlook, two Simplicity and a whole lot of looking through my Burda Style back catalogue! I'll concentrate on the Plus patterns as I am running on the heavier side at the moment.
It is good to have that encouragement to trace off some of those Burdas!

I have a complete (or almost complete) collection of Burda Style magazines back to 2003 so should be able to find the ones which are recommended (and I like).


Now I need to match patterns to fabric and decide what to cut and sew first.
I don't love tracing off the Burda patterns but I need to find my way through that!

I haven't quite followed the apporach advised however because I've already picked fabrics for SWAP anyway I wanted to merge the two challenges where I could. we'll see if i go back to my TNTs instead. However here are where I am at with the steps.

Step 1: Figure Out Your ID
Natural (with a few traits from SN and FN)

Step 2: Purge/Organize Your Current Wardrobe
I have had a first few rounds of this with Imogen Lamport's 7STS and have a working wardrobe I use.
However lots of clothes have been stashed in the loft due to being wrong colour, wrong style, wrong size or wrong season. I need to donate most of these whilst still keeping my summer clothing for when it warms up!

Step 3: Take Inventory of Your Wardrobe and Your Life
Again I already did a lot of this with Imogen Lamport's 7STS, but I will revisit as I donate the excess.

Step 4: Figure Out Your Personal Style Slogan
This is also something I tried to do with Imogen Lamport's 7STS, but again needs a revisit.
Various thoughts had been:-
- Natural, Vibrant and Creative (from 7STS Step 1)
- textured and individual
- Natural with an element of suprise
- Resourceful, quirky, pragmatic.

Step 5: Pick a Color Palette
Again something I've done with Imogen Lamport's 7STS colour palette and signature colours, but also generally in my wardrobe and specifically for the SWAP.

Step 6: Pick Patterns
See above!

Step 7: Pick Fabric
Already done for SWAP (and last year I had a big clearout of my fabric and donated the stuff I wouldn't use).

I have had the original Kibbe book for many years and also thought quite a bit (using various system) about colours, styles, lifestyle and wardrobe. So a lot of it I'm revisiting again as things have come together a bit more clearly. This is looking like the year of experimentation and greater clarity. 


  1. Very interesting reading this morning. Thank you for the link to the Kibbe info. Found that I'm a Theatrical Romantic. This is good info for sewing a more cohesive wardrobe this year.

  2. These plans look great! I’m so excited to see what you come up with!

  3. Wow, you are jumping right in! I love your selections. I have given myself a bad case of analysis paralysis as I go through all my clothes and all my patterns and assign them to the different IDs. I will be sewing Kibbe but not until later in the year.

  4. Really curious to see where you go with this... Did you find that your Kibbe style was a good match for what you have already figured out about yourself and your style?

    I took the Kibbe test and hated what was suggested for me. Apparently my body type is "Romantic", but aside from that I prefer to wear dresses instead of trousers, and like softer style rather than stiffly constructed garments, there is nothing in the Kibbe suggestions that matches my own style. In fact, much of what I wear are the things that are not advised - I like matte finish fabrics, stripes, dark subtle almost monochrome colors... (I hate pastels, lace, sparkles, ruffles and bows, and ditsy elaborate jewelry, as well as bright big florals.)

  5. Alison, I think Kibbe incorrectly aligns body shape and personality and this is probably why its a miss for you. Its also very 1980s and maybe different description would be used if it was rewritten now. I seem to fit the Kibbe natural style physically and the 'relaxed' personality mentally so an amount of it works for me.
    Looking at some of the styles by Dr T it could be that the Soft Classic is a better fit for you. The shapes in this seem more like your style.

    Cheers Ruthie


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