Tuesday 12 March 2019

ReP-A-R-E (RePurposing, Alterations, Repairs and Embellishments) #6

ReP-A-R-E (RePurposing, Alterations, Repairs and Embellishments) #6 DuckEgg hoody pocket fix, was a really simple one in the end, and took longer finding a suitable colour of thread than it did to actually sew it on the sewing machine.
This is the before shot, the stitching has come undone at the top of a kangaroo pocket on a casual hoody.
This is the after when I've sewn it back up (reversing over the edge a few times). I also stitched the same area on the other pocket as a preventative measure as the top stitch looked to have come out of that.
Now I am fully aware that this was an easy fix, and normally I don't bother mentioning stuff like this on the blog. However it has probably been waiting for that 10 minute fix now for over a year which when I think about it objectively is a bit silly. So once I've dealt with the backlog perhaps I need to schedule a mending slot once a month going forwards.

The hardest part of this fix was finding suitable thread which matched well enough for me to be happy with it. This flagged up that I keep thread in 4 places, and the embroidery thread and serger cones in particular are not very accessible. I used an odd serger cone in the end as the best match.

I might like some wall mounted serger cone storage (well away from light) but not quite sure what approach would be best. How do you store your serger cones?


  1. I enjoy reading these posts, I am on a ReP-A-R-E mission myself currently, reshaping oversized sweaters, combining two torn duvet covers into one, shortening sleeves that are uncomfortable at the cuff, and of course patching holey kids trousers knees.

  2. I've really enjoyed your RePARE posts and they may even motivate me to attack my own pile. Thing is, I know a single afternoon, if that, would take care of all of my RePAREs, but it just keeps dropping to the bottom of the list. Keep inspiring me, Ruthie.

  3. I have been enjoying your RePARE efforts, and am glad that you are inspiring people. I don't have room on the wall for hanging my serger cones, so I store them in a drawer - the closet in the sewing/guest space came with a sort of built in, with a wire mesh drawers, which I use for interfacing, and some solid drawers, which I use for serger cones and WIP's, as well as keeping one drawer empty so that when people visit they have a space for things...

  4. Thanks Alison, mine are in wooden boxes on a shelf, so reasonable storage already, I had just made life harder for myself by blocking that with a giant bag of scraps. I'll move that to somewhere else and try to use/donate some of them.


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