Saturday 16 March 2019

ReP-A-R-E (RePurposing, Alterations, Repairs and Embellishments) #9

ReP-A-R-E (RePurposing, Alterations, Repairs and Embellishments) #9 is a basic repair rehemming trousers which have come down.
The hem had come down on some RTW trousers. As it was 3/4 undone anyway I unpicked the last few inches to make it easier to rehem them.
I used the blind hem foot and stitch, starting at the inside leg seam.
It looks like this once complete.
Here's the stitching 
And the inside hem. No shot of the outside but there are tiny little 'V' shaped stitches which are not noticeable on a textured fabric like this. On a very smooth fabric they might be more obvious, but I like this as being quick, neat and secure.

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