Saturday 8 October 2022

A Sewing Machine for Lucy

It's my mother's birthday. My parents and aunt (mum's sister), uncle and cousin came over and we hosted a birthday lunch for them all. My aunt brought the cake.

Once we were all replete, we headed off to the garage to rummage through the fabric boxes.

My cousin M had spotted my rag doll Lucy, who lives in the sewing room and decided she needed her own sewing machine. We dug out various scraps for her project, and different fabric for all 3 of them to take away (my Aunt makes ).

Then we sat round in the sewing room, Auntie A on the chair, Mum and cousin on the futon. Mum was knitting, Auntie doing crochet and Cousin M sewing the scraps into a tiny felt sewing machine, complete with needle, bobbin, thread and stitched fabric. She does lovely hand stitching.

(I just bobbed in and out showing them various projects I had made, making tea and looking for things they wanted.)

Here's Lucy with her sewing machine

Here it is from the front - note the buttons for dials, 
the plastic fork prong as a bobbin and the grey fabric for the needle.
The fabric came from my scraps bin.

And here it is from the back, with the fabric behind having nice neat stitches.

We had a lovely afternoon!

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