Sunday 1 August 2010

London Weekend

I went down to the London weekend on Thursday and came back this afternoon.
I must make sure next time to take really comfortable shoes as my feet still hurt despite having sat down all afternoon.

On Saturday we went off to Goldhawk Road, an area with a lot of fabric shops and we were there from before 11am until after 4pm.
Between us we bought the fabric below in the large number of shops there. I didn't actually count the number of fabric shops on the one street but it has to be more than 10, which coming from an area where there is one fabric shop for every 4 towns, was slight overload for me.
At this point I am not going to say which fabric pile belongs to which person, though those of you who know me quite well will probably be able to guess easily enough which is mine as it has my 'style' on it.

Click on the picture to see it full size.
And then have a think which fabric piles belong to RuthieK, Hen, Karen and Elizabeth.


  1. Hello Ruthie!
    "Fabric below" just a tease for now... not showing.
    WHICH group did you go fabric shopping with??
    Warm greetings,
    Rhonda in Montreal

  2. elizabeth already confessed and describe her pile as the one on the far right (as I'm looking at it). Hen is always conservative. So I'm guessing yours is the first to the left of ejvc, Hens next and then karent

    Sounds like a wonderful day no matter who's pile is who's. Ruthie I gave up uncomfortable shoes long ago. I just decided that I didn't want my feet ruining any of my activities.

  3. I would pick your pile as second from the right....looks like some intresting knit prints there :-)

    Glad you had a great time and weren't so overwhelmed you couldn't buy any fabric Lol


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