Sunday 29 January 2012

Snow on the moors

Well I've had a strange week and not productive at all from a creative perspective.
I'm still doing the Artists Way, and wrote my pages each morning, plus went on a lovely walk on the moors where it had snowed which was gorgeous. This hasn't seemingly translated into anything creative as far as I can see. I have been cooking for the freezer and reading old Burda magazines and other people's sewing blogs but not doing anything actually creative myself.
 (view from Abney Moor)

I'm transitioning my old role at work which I have found a lot more emotional than I expected, especially the bit where I realised I was going to have to move out of my desk, and it looked for a while that I wouldn't have anywhere in the office to work in 2 weeks time. I'm hoping this gets resolved on Monday, but I have found the 'desk wars' exhausting. The new role is in a completely different part of the organisation and I don't know any of the people, and I think I'm going to hugely miss my current colleagues (some of whom have become friends).

So this week has been a bit of a slog. Change is good and necessary, but its also difficult and unsettling. I've still not got anything done for the Craft Fayre, and have not sewn any steps on the knit dresses. Aware it was all getting a bit stressful I have booked a day of leave on Friday to give myself a bit of mental space. Here's hoping for a better week this next week.


  1. I have found transitioning from one job to another, even when it's highly desirable, is almost a process of mourning. Your creativity will return, but you need to give the transition a bit of time.
    On your recommendation I got The Artist's Way. Arrived Friday. Started my morning pages today.
    I'm hoping this will get me back in my most productive and positive outlooks!
    Thank you!

  2. Ruthie, it sounds like you're going through changes in all aspects of your life. Give yourself some leeway to deal with the changes and emotions at your pace. I look forward to seeing how your sewing evolves:)

  3. Hope this week goes better than last week did. All the change is very unsettling and I think you are brave to do it. Cut yourself some slack, your creativity will return when you aren't so worried about other things.


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