Friday 12 February 2021

Abundance and sewing pause

My sewing is paused at the moment. 

I started to reorganise my wardrobe (closet) and realised that I have an over abundance of clothing, so am not sewing yet more new things at the moment.

I am doing some repairs and minor alterations as I go through a sorting process.

I am using these questions for my sorting process:-

- does it fit me?

- does it suit my colouring?

- is it in good condition?

Items then go into several piles

Keep Definite - fold or hang back in the wardrobe in colour order.

Keep Maybe - try wearing and see if comfortable and works with other items in my wardrobe. Some will stay but many will go after being in the Holding Bay for a bit.

Keep DIY - these go in a duffel bag and are for any dirty/messy jobs as I tend to ruin my clothes! These clothes fit but have pilling or other issues (baggy neckline, pulled threads)

Donate - bagging these up ready for donation later. Tie the top up to avoid second thoughts.

Textile Recycling - not donatable so will go for textile recycling rather than landfill.

I might try to sell a few items as well, but I suspect most will be for donation.

So far I've worked through the main wardrobe, but have not yet tackled out of season or too small stuff. I've decided that apart from one or two very special pieces anything too small will be straight to donate/recycling. 

I've gained weight and changed shape during menopause so although I do want to lose some weight, I don't think I'll find the smaller clothes would work for me so don't plan to save them anymore.

Its going to be quite a journey!


  1. I ust did the first oart of thisand found it amazingly liberating, my wardrobe was jammed full of things I didn’t like wearing because they didn’t didn’t fit quite right or that I loved but were a bit past it. But now I still have some bags of clothes waiting to be sold and mended.

  2. I honour your perception in realising that past clothes won’t work for your new shape. I need to think about this too.

  3. I like your method of sorting and the criteria. It is simple but effective. Thanks for giving me added incentive. I am applying this to my fabric stash too. Adding a fabric worth dyeing pile.
    I need to remind myself to do this more often especially since my style is changing and I am retired (70 in a few months)

  4. I've been reviewing a lot of items I've sewn, but I'm realizing I need to do a good closet clean out as well. I really like the categories you've made and I think it would be super helpful when I get around to another closet clear-out. I went through my wardrobe a while ago and it was great to clear it out then, but I'm sure I have even more items now that won't fit or are overly worn. Good luck with your efforts!


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