Friday 5 March 2021

Black and white print fabrics

 I have a collection of black and white print fabrics, which I planned to make a multiple gore skirt from

The Stitch Sisters

But as I don't wear skirts much I thought this was not a very sensible idea in reality.

Here are the fabrics I planned to use, only the panda print is properly directional.

They are 

top row L to R

black, black with large spots, black with small spots, black with musical notes

Middle row L to R

near black, zebra print, small floral

Bottom row L to R

white with grey and black stars, white with pandas, white with small black stars.

They are all woven fabrics, some perhaps poly cotton rather than 100% cotton.

Any ideas on what I could make with them as most are only 1 metre cuts.

I was thinking

PJ trousers with contrast cuffs

Maybe a small quilt (though apparently you shouldn't use polycottons/very thin fabrics)

Or back to my original skirt idea.

Ideas welcome


  1. Hello, I think any combination of fabrics would make lovely summer pajamas. Glad you are going to sew again - at least a little! Angela

  2. perhaps a quilt would be quite different and refresh your sewing mojo.
    A change is as good as a rest, they say.

  3. Pillowcases could be another option.


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